Category: Dentistry

Why It’s Important to See an Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dentist Las Vegas offers services to patients who are experiencing a dental emergency that cannot wait for a regular appointment. They can treat issues such as a broken tooth, a severe toothache, or an abscessed tooth.

A severe toothache should never be ignored. Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water and taking over the counter painkillers can help to relieve the discomfort until you can see an emergency dentist.



Tooth pain can occur as a result of tooth sensitivity, a dental injury or even an infection. Regardless of its cause, it’s important to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. In most cases, a toothache won’t go away on its own and can quickly lead to more serious complications like a cracked or lost tooth. An emergency dentist can provide treatment for a toothache, preventing it from getting worse and providing long-term relief.

A minor toothache or sensitivity is normal, but it should not last more than 24 hours. A persistent ache may indicate a more serious problem, such as a tooth infection or failing dental restoration. The most common treatment for a toothache involves dental fillings, root canal therapy or a dental crown. In severe cases, an emergency dentist may also prescribe medication.

If the aching tooth is in the back of your mouth, it might be an indication of an abscessed tooth. A dental abscess is a very painful condition that requires immediate attention from an emergency dentist to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body, such as the jaw or brain. An emergency dentist will treat an abscessed tooth by draining pus and administering antibiotics.

Experiencing pain in the jaw or face is another sign that you need emergency dental care. In some cases, these symptoms might be a result of an injury or even a fractured jaw or facial bone. A dislodged or knocked-out tooth should also be treated immediately. An emergency dentist will reposition the tooth, apply a dental filling or a dental crown, and will most likely give you antibiotics.

If you are in need of an emergency dentist, call our office immediately. We will schedule you with an appointment as soon as possible, and our emergency dentist will examine your teeth, gums, mouth, jaw and throat to determine what caused the pain and how best to treat it. In addition, we can help you to manage your pain with safe home remedies, such as rinsing the mouth with salt water, applying an ice pack and using over-the-counter oral pain relievers.

Broken Tooth

If a person experiences a broken tooth, they should call an emergency dentist right away. This will allow the dentist to evaluate the injury and offer treatment that can save the tooth. This treatment can also help alleviate pain and reduce the likelihood of further complications. A dentist can repair a chipped or cracked tooth using dental fillings, crowns, veneers, and other methods. The dentist may also recommend avoiding extremely hot or cold foods until the tooth is fully healed.

A broken tooth can be caused by chewing ice or hard food, a sports injury, or from an impact to the mouth. The most common symptoms of a broken tooth include pain, bleeding, and discomfort. In addition, a fractured cusp is a type of break that occurs in teeth with large dental fillings. This type of break can damage the pulp of the tooth and lead to sensitivity and pain.

When a tooth is broken, it is important to try to find the piece that is missing and not leave it behind. This could pose a choking risk in children. Those who cannot insert the tooth should store it in saline solution, pasteurized milk, or coconut water in a sanitized container. It is important to avoid using a toothpick to remove the piece of the tooth.

An emergency dentist can use dental bonding to treat a broken tooth. This procedure involves placing a composite resin over the broken tooth to keep it in place and protect the remaining tooth. This is the simplest and quickest way to treat a broken tooth.

In severe cases, a broken tooth can cause damage to the nerves of the tooth and lead to an infection or abscess. This may require root canal therapy to restore the health of the tooth. An emergency dentist can help patients manage the pain and discomfort until they can get to their regular dentist.

Many people worry about seeking medical attention for a dental problem because it is not convenient to do so after regular office hours. However, there are many dentists who set aside time throughout the day to see patients with dental emergencies and can provide treatment immediately.

Bleeding Mouth

Bleeding gums are a common dental issue that can occur for a variety of reasons. If you notice bleeding from the gums, it’s important to visit an emergency dentist for a proper examination and treatment. This will help to ensure that the problem is treated before it worsens. The bleeding could be a sign of gum disease, which can cause serious health problems if not addressed in time.

While most causes of gum bleeding are minor, they still require immediate medical attention. To stop the bleeding:

  1. Place a damp piece of gauze over the affected area.
  2. Make sure that the pad is large enough to cover a significant portion of your mouth, and then apply pressure.
  3. Repeat this process until the bleeding stops. You should also rinse the mouth with water and avoid eating or drinking anything that may irritate the affected area.

Gum bleeding is usually caused by poor oral hygiene, which leads to bacteria deposits on the teeth and gums. These bacteria can lead to inflammation, which results in bleeding from the gums. To prevent this from happening, it is important to brush and floss the teeth properly. It is also a good idea to visit the dentist for regular dental cleanings and to use an antibacterial mouthwash.

Another common cause of gum bleeding is an injury from a hard or sharp object. This can occur when you bite down on a food or accidentally pierce your gums while chewing. In some cases, the bleeding is due to a mouth ulcer or other medical condition. These conditions, such as angular cheilitis and mouth ulcers, can be treated with pain relief ointments.

Injuries to the mouth can be extremely painful and dangerous if left untreated. When these injuries are not addressed promptly, they can lead to permanent damage and more expensive treatments. Emergency dentists have the training and experience necessary to treat a range of dental emergencies. These include toothaches, cracked or chipped teeth, and dental abscesses. They can provide effective treatment and offer guidance on how to prevent future dental emergencies.

Canker Sores

A canker sore, sometimes called a mouth ulcer, is a round, white, yellow or gray lesion inside the mouth’s lining — on the lips, cheeks, gums or tongue. They are usually painful and a little itchy, but they don’t pose any serious threat to a person’s health. However, if they persist for more than two weeks or get worse, it’s worth making an appointment with the dentist to see whether there’s a more serious cause.

The main difference between a canker sore and a fever blister is that fever blisters are fluid-filled blisters, while canker sores are single, round, shallow lesions on the lining of the mouth’s mucosal tissue. Sometimes there’s a tingling feeling in the mouth before the sore appears. They aren’t contagious and generally heal on their own within a few weeks.

There’s no definitive cause for canker sores, but they often occur when a person bites or scratches the inside of their mouth, or they may be caused by some foods like spicy or acidic food that can irritate the mucosal tissue. A weakened immune system can also make a person more susceptible to them, as well as some chronic health conditions such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease.

Those with a sore that’s causing severe pain and interfering with eating, drinking or speech should make an emergency dental appointment. They can also try using a mouth rinse or ointment to ease the discomfort. If it’s a persistent issue, it might be worth seeing a doctor to look for an underlying cause – including vitamin deficiency, gastrointestinal issues or even oral cancer.

An emergency dentist can help ease the pain, reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process by rinsing with a salt water solution or a numbing mouthwash. Some people have reported relief and faster healing from sucking on zinc gluconate lozenges. In some cases, the emergency dentist will need to perform a visual examination of the mouth and other soft tissues in the area, assessing for signs of infection or other more serious problems. Depending on their findings, they may refer the patient to a specialist or ask them to return for further evaluation in 10 days or so.
